Totalitarian Islam

Internet Radio

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…Lastly, the top political story today of course was the endless parade of Americans like Chief of-Staff Martin Dempsey and other functionaries and European politicians telling Israel not to defend itself from the threat of Iran which has threatened death to Israel by atomic bomb, G-d forbid.

On Obama’s part this is an absolute betrayal of Israel and of America. What this so-and-so should be doing is the opposite: he should be standing should-to-shoulder with Israel and together threatening the evil ones in Teheran to either stop work on their bomb or be destroyed as a regime.

But this Obama is an antiJew of the rankest, lowest sort. Every time I see his picture now I think of his soul-mate Louis Farrakhan and their “God damn America,’ “God damn Israel” politics.

Leila tov miEretz Yisrael