The Power of Fear

Internet Radio

Excerpt from this day’s program:

…Speaking before of the threat to our little country from Old Persia, one of the Viet Cong’s favorite Americans after Jane Fonda, John Kerry, last seen schmoozing with his Iranian counterpart, you know, like Neville Chamberlain thinking that talking with Hitler was worth the while, spoke up for the Ancient Ones who likely called him up to complain that unless Israel opens the money spigot again, the Ancient Palestinian Authority is liable to collapse and end security cooperation with Israel.

Israel, let us remember, turned off the spigot when the Holocaust Denier turned to the International Criminal Court to prepare for charging the Jews with war crimes for defending themselves when his partners in the PA last summer, Hamas, were firing hundreds of projectiles at Jewish communities.

I imagine (I have no information) that Israel has answered Kerry by telling him to tell his beloved Balestinians that Israel will re-open spigot when they cancel their demarche to the ICC.

The whole thing is more of the Alice in Wonderland land we live in since Israelis foolishly went along with the enemy tactic of calling the Arabs here, who for millennia were known as Syrians, Balestinians. Israeli Nobel Prize winner for Game Theory Moshe Aumann said not long ago this was Israel’s great mistake, and I agree. That is why I wrote the book. Starting in 1969, the UN began calling the Arabs here as they never had “Balestinians” and Israel’s post-Jewish post-Zionists went along with the ruse thinking it would be easier to make peace with them. Hah!