Remembering Anna Frank? Why?

Internet Radio

Program Link: Why I Support the Academic Boycott of Israel

…Unbelievable. If you remember, Olmert that corrupt fool, offered to give away the store and it still was not enough for this Arab thief who demands everything. Here he is claiming he was ready for a deal back then and when everyone remembers he rejected the disgusting Olmert’s offer.

What will it take for otherwise sober people to see and understand that Abbas and his tribesmen simply do not want a state in Judea and Samaria even under the most generous terms and the reason for that is that they are in 2013 no more willing to accept the right of us Jews to live free of their tyranny than they ever were. Which is why Bibi demands they admit to that right, which is a variation of what Ehud Barak demanded of Arafat 13 years ago at Camp David, that he sign off on language containing the words “end of conflict.” Ehud Barak also was ready to give away the store in exchange for such a declaration which Arafat would not give, which refusal blew up the Camp David talks, in addition to his demented claim to Bill Clinton’s face that the Jews never had a temple on Haram as-Sharif. The Jews only say that because they want to steal it from the Arabs.

How’s that for psychological projection?