Obama’s AntiJew Crusade

Internet Radio

…And now on the cusp of his second term, for one of his first important appointments, he turns to the most blatantly anti-Israel senator of the last dozen years. A true, real outlier outside the American consensus on Israel. But remember Obama promised to fundamentally transform America and at the root of that pursuit is this man’s hatred, Obama’s hatred, of the Jews, which you can see in his photographs sitting opposite the Prime Minister of the Jewish state. There is in the tilt of his jaw a belligerence and a challenge rooted in the radical black’s absolute hatred of Jews a la Louis Farrakhan.

Guilt by association may not be acceptable in a court of law but politics is not a court law and I say Obama is a Louis Farrakhan soulmate who unlike Farrakhan has had the brains to conceal his hatred. He is a smooth operator. The most successful race hustler ever…