Israel Must Stop Begging

Internet Radio

…That is the bottom line here. The Islamic, Qur’anically mandate hatred of Jews. Israel has to re-brand the conflict as not about statehood for any Balestinians but the Arab-Muslim inability to tolerate statehood for Jews; a religious inability.

The problem with Israelis is their mistaken belief that this is a nationalist struggle between two nations, Jews and Ancient Ones instead of Islam’s endless war against Jews and Jewishness.

Israel has to finally start to protest and actually take action against foreign journalists who write of events on the “West Bank.” Israel hands out ID cards to foreign journalists here which helps them in their work, and in the future Israel must monitor their product to make sure they call Judea and Samaria Judea and Samaria, not the “West Bank,” whose invention was meant literally to cover up and even erase these Hebrew names, exactly the way the Emperor Hadrian in the second century came up with the names Palaestina and Aelia Capitolina to replace the two-century old Roman practice of calling the land Judea and the capital Jerusalem.

Israel’s tolerance of this vocabulary all these years has been a major contribution to the form antiJewism has taken since 1967.

What would Roger Waters do without resort to using the term “West Bank” to describe Judea and Samaria? Can you see him and other antiJews declaring as they do that the Jews must evacuate Judea? What a jerk he and they would look like then…