What Israel Never Says

Internet Radio

Excerpt from this day’s program:

…Netanyahu called it a black day for the United Nations. There is no limit, he said, to the UN’s hypocrisy.

But again, not having seen the full text of his statement, I reckon he too did not use the term antisemitism, let alone Jew-hatred which is what this behavior is all about.

Indeed, I reject his description that this was a Black Day for the UN. I say, “No way, it was a routine day.” There was nothing black about it, for as my research shows, Jew-bashing is virtually a daily occurrence at the UN. I discovered that between 1945 and 1989 over 55,000 anti-Israel votes were recorded, each vote from a member-state turning thumbs down on Israel. Thirty per cent of all UN resolutions in that period were about Israel, and so last Thursday it was a ritual performance as routine as daily mass in a busy Catholic church. There is something ritualistic about it, and one would think that after all these years the Prime Minister of Israel would neither be shocked nor indignant at such a performance…