Jeffrey Goldberg

Internet Radio

…I hope one day Obama explains to Jeffrey Goldberg just how it came to pass that growing up as he did in Hawaii and Indonesia and living and working as a community organizer in Chicago he came to such a deep understanding of Israel’s predicament that surpasses that of Benjamin Netanyahu, native Israeli, veteran commando, Israeli ambassador and prime minister? How does it happen, even more importantly, that Barack Hussein Obama has a better understanding than the people of Israel? I mean, when Obama criticizes Bibi for being unEnlightened, he is also criticizing the Israeli electorate, two-thirds of which voted for parties in the Knesset sympathetic to the right and Netanyahu’s views. How does it happen that Barack Hussein is wiser about our predicament than the two-thirds of the voters who voted for Netanyahu’s stewardship? When this Muslim imposter insults the Prime Minister of the democratic State of Israel, he insults the people of Israel…