Varieties of AntiJew Evil

Internet Radio

Audio Excerpt (1:42 Mins)
Program Link: Why America Chases an Israeli-Palestinian Peace
…A final citation from Ethan’s Bronner’s evil by default, his bad journalism. Fearful of future violence here, he reminds his readers: “Ten years ago when peace talks led by President Bill Clinton at Camp David fell apart, the second Palestinian uprising broke out, leading to exploding buses, suicide bombings and harsh Israeli countermeasures. Thousands – most of them Palestinian – were killed.”

I read that and if my name were Vinny and I lived in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, I would have wanted to say, “Up yours.” This is disgusting writing for its cowardice and dishonesty. What does he mean when “peace talks fell apart”? They ended because Arafat rejected peace.

And the second uprising did not just “break out” and lead to exploding buses. Arafat dispatched his murderous brethren to do their evil, and they – the Arabs – blew up those buses in order to butcher us Jews by the score.

Notice too how the word “harsh” is applied to Israelis, while the “Palestinians” aren’t mentioned. Everything is intransitive verbs: an uprising “breaks out,” a bus “explodes.” No names of the perpetrators or their victims. The only adjective is the word “harsh” which adheres to Israel.

Ethan Bronner is a wimp…