Those Greedy Jews

Internet Radio

Excerpt from this day’s program:

…Maybe you saw the news that ISIS at Palmyra in Syria famous for antiquities temples, beheaded the chief architect and exploded one of the important temples.

Like the Muslims in Afghanistan in 2001 who shelled and destroyed the historic, gigantic Buddha statutes at Bamiyan carved into a mountainside.

This is once again the Arab-Muslim relationship to the past that is so barbaric. In Mosul too a few months ago they shattered and smashed famous statues from ancient times.

What they do to archaeology is what they do to history in general. Smash it. Deny it. The Holocaust never happened. The Ancient Palestinians had their entire land stolen from them by the Jews.

History is anything you want it to be.

Muslims are on the march. Their barbarism is on the march and the evil enemy in the Oval Office is one of them…