LTF: Slave of His Hatred

Internet Radio

…On the military front, JPost’s Yaakov Lappin yesterday said the situation in Syria is deteriorating and the time may not be distant when outside forces – Israel, Jordan, the US, – take action or let the largest arsenal in the world of chemical and biological weapons fall into the hands of al-Qaida and/or Hezbollah, both organizations the creation of homicidal Muslim maniacs.

This is beginning to sound like a James Bond movie where one megalomaniacal villain like Goldfinger wants to blow up Fort Knox and destroy the American economy or menace the world with some other monstrous scheme. And here is what some say is the world’s largest storage of 1,000 tons of deadly chemicals and biological agents.

When Qaddafi went down and chaos ruled Libya, stores of Russian copies of Stinger missiles, thousands of them, were reported to have been pilfered…