Jewish Prostitutes

Internet Radio

Audio Excerpt (4:15 Mins)
…And so does Alan Dershowitz in today’s Wall Street Journal, this two-faced man who divides his loyalty between the Children of Israel that he was born into and the politically correct, fashionable legend of the “victims” of Zionism.

What a pathetic and even intellectually corrupt lightweight Dershowitz is. On the one hand, he writes books and articles defending his dejudaized notion of Israel but on the other flacks for the Jew-killers and supports their demand for ownership of Judea and Samaria.

Today Dershowitz was writing against the PLO and its drive for a resolution in the UN Security Council condemning the settlements. And here was his lede sentence: “Although I have opposed Israel’s civilian settlements in the West Bank since 1973, I strongly believe that US should veto a resolution..,” etc.

And the second paragraph’s lede: “There is a big difference between a government action being unwise, which the Israeli policy is, and being illegal, which it is not.”

What a crumbum. Think of this. He and LTF (Little Tommy Friedman), by the way, have been doing this for decades: speaking out of both sides of their mouths; recognizing the legality of our communities here, but calling the settlements “unwise.” And that is because there is a higher value than their legality and that is peace which will come about via the two-state solution which these settlements are an obstacle to.

You see, while we may have a legal right to live and build here – as he admits here – and make our lives here in Judea and Samaria, there is something far more important than our rights, and that is a peace which honors the right of the Ancient Ones to a state.

In other words, their rights are superior to our rights. And in this both of these and other Jewish prostitutes sell out our rights, as Esau sold his right for a bowl of porridge – in exchange for which these dejudaized Jews get to sing and dance in the public arena. They are welcome in the pages of the MSM, or as Sarah Palin calls it, the Lame Stream media.

As I say, opposition to Jewish life restored in the heart of the heart of the Promised Land has become the credo of all Enlightened lovers of peace not only here between us Jews and the Ancient Ones, but peace in the whole Middle East, in the whole world. We settlers have become the obstacle to the arrival of the Prince of Peace and we do that by insisting on our rights, which Friedman and Dershowitz dismiss as not worthy of defending.

They should be ashamed of themselves. For sure they support, fought for, the rights, the civil rights of Negroes a generation ago in America. But for them the Jew-killers of the PLO have a greater right to this land than the Jews they were born into and claim to care so much about…