An Israeli Liberal

Internet Radio

Program Link: The essence of peace

…What Wilf cannot see is that the people she calls “Palestinians” are simply not motivated by “Palestinian patriotism” because there is no such thing; never has been such a thing. As my book makes clear, the official Arab line until the 1960s was that there was no Palestine and no “Palestinians” because only the Zionists proudly used the terms. There had been no Falastin throughout Muslim history and their resistance to the League of Nations Mandate was rooted in their rejection of the very idea of an area being created called Palestine when since the 7th century there never had been.

What Wilf and fellow Political Scientists don’t get is that the “Palestinian” national identity is a “burka” of an idea (a garment that completely covers up the woman) in this case the truth that what fuels the fire in their hearts and minds today against the Jews is the same as it was before the 1960s.

In other words, Dr. Wilf the Political Scientist calls them “Palestinians,” but underneath they remain violent, blood-thirsty, imperialistic, larcenous Arab Muslims whose attitude and behaviors toward the Jewish people over 14 centuries are a matter of record, if people would only take the time to peruse it…