A Sorry Spectacle

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120607_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Well, since it has been quiet on our usual beat, the Muslim war against our country, let’s take up this story from last week about recognizing what so-called Reform and Conservative Jews call rabbis as rabbis. A week ago yesterday the JPost story began this way: “The Attorney-General’s Office announced on Tuesday that in accordance with a recommendation from the High Court of Justice, the state has agreed to pay the wages of non-Orthodox rabbis serving in regional councils just as it does Orthodox rabbis.”

But in a concession to opponents of this move, supporters of classical Judaism, it was decided to pay the new non-Orthodox rabbis from the Culture and Sports Ministry not the Religious Services Ministry that pays the salaries of the Orthodox rabbinate.

And it is noteworthy that this is the same Attorney-General Yehuda Weinstein who is screwing the national religious Jews at the Ulpana houses. Weinstein is the legal barracuda of a defense attorney for anybody with cash to pay for his services.

Part of the decision was also obviously to officially call these people rabbis – when real rabbis are outraged for only they have the authority to decide who is a real rabbi.

One bright talk-backer observed the absurdity of using the term “rabbi” at all for these people when the very role and term was a Mishnaic development, and these people don’t hold by the Mishna.

It is like advertising oneself as a “psychoanalyst who rejects Freud,” when Freud invented psychoanalysis. By all means reject Freud, but don’t then call yourself a psychoanalyst.

Then, three days later, in a nice coincidence, came the news from the States about the Conservative movement. That is, its august Committee on Jewish Law and Standards formally approved model wedding ceremonies for sodomites and lesbians.

For years I believed the Conservatives have sprinkled holy water on rabbis who sodomize or are sodomized by other men. That’s been okay for them for some time, so this is a new wrinkle.

What is so annoying about the Israeli decision to award even the smallest recognition to these people who call themselves Reform or Conservative rabbis is the intellectual corruption of pretending that what these people preach and practice is Jewish in the slightest.

Theirs is a kind of copyright infringement. Reform Judaism purports to be a valid stream in Judaism as it tolerates/it accepts a Judaism of no Sabbath observance, of no food restrictions; no family purity between husband and wife. A Judaism without binding halakhot.

What are we talking about here? What we are talking about is a spiritual and intellectual corruption of common sense. Call Reform and Conservatives what you will, but don’t call them Jewish. And when the government of Israel in any capacity does that, it validates the spiritual and mental pollution of their deviant ways of thinking…